Professional and Reliable Car Transport from Bulgaria to UK
Since 2007 we have transported thousands of vehicles for countless customers, meeting the most demanding requirements.
Delivery of vehicles between Bulgaria and the United Kingdom (UK) is one of our main and initial services.
BGLondon offers competitive and reliable transport for: cars, SUVs, pickups, vans, motorcycles, trucks, agricultural machinery, construction equipment, platforms, boats and any other type of vehicles and cargo from Bulgaria to UK.
How much does it cost to transport a car from Bulgaria to UK?
To find out how much it will cost you to transport a car from Bulgaria to UK, please fill out and send us a Delivery Quote Request.
The price for car transport from Bulgaria to UK is determined depending on various factors, for example: make, model, year, where it is registered, size, destinations and more.
We cannot specify certain prices, not only because the factors, on which the price of car transport depends, are too many and varied, but also because fuel prices and car delivery rules are constantly changing.
The distance between Bulgaria and UK is about 3000 km.
Shipping a car from Bulgaria to UK with a car transporter is far more efficient and cheaper than driving the car. Less wear-and-tear, no cheap motels or sleepless days and nights, no cheap food, and of course no missed work days.
Let's not forget that if you do not know the condition of the vehicle you are driving you are very likely to get unexpected troubles during the journey, which cost quite expensive to sort out.
How is the delivery paid for?
A deposit is paid to reserve a space.
The deposit is deducted from the final amount.
The final amount is paid to the drivers upon receipt, or in advance, through our payment methods.
Why choose BGLondon for car transport from Bulgaria to UK?
Knowledge, practice and security are among our main strengths. We are one of the most experienced companies to offer car transport between Bulgaria and UK!
With each delivery accepted for execution by us you receive:
- Service contract, including our terms;
- Competent transport of vehicles from Bulgaria to UK;
- Arrangements and correspondence with senders and receivers;
- Collecting of vehicles from a specified address;
- Delivering of vehicles to a specified address;
- International insurance; *
- Affordable prices for all auto transport;
- Honesty, experience, clarity and certainty.
Can I put luggage in the car?
No! BGLondon does is not responsible for any missing from the cars luggage, products, merchandise, personal items, accessories, such as: chargers, USB sticks, cables, memory cards and similar...
Do you have the necessary insurances?
Yes! Each delivery is insured under the annual policy of CMR insurance. CMR insurance is the insurance of the carrier's responsibility for complete or partial loss of goods or their damage during transportation performed pursuant to the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by road - CMR (hereinafter the “Convention”).
From which Bulgarian cities do you transport cars?
We can arrange a car transport from anywhere in Bulgaria and from the following Bulgarian cities: Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas, Ruse, Stara Zagora, Pleven, Sliven, Dobrich, Shumen, Pernik, Haskovo, Yambol, Pazardzhik, Blagoevgrad, Veliko Tarnovo, Vratsa, Gabrovo, Kardzhali, Asenovgrad.... and many more.